Wasn’t life smoother back then
In the busy streets, the traffic, the crowd,
There was a calmness to this chaos
a silent mind in a world so loud.
Wasn’t time slower back then
when we had to look at the clock,
Now time just flows by unheard of
like the smooth waves over a rock.
Wasn’t the sun brighter back then
Sipping on that cane juice by the road,
It’s all lost now: the thirst, the sweat, the sweet
the shade outside no longer a peaceful abode.
Wasn’t it easier to sleep back then
with so many experiences during the day,
Now it’s the dreams keeping us awake
hoping all of this is just a bad nightmare.
Wasn’t a smile so effective back then
spreading across faces like a virus,
Hard to find it now because of the masks
and the distance that's separated us.
Or maybe it was all so mundane back then
that we forgot the value of the simplest moments,
Now that it’s all taken away from us we’ve learnt
appreciating life for each second and every cent.
And it's not just the things we're missing now
but also the things that we've came across,
like the time with family, with ourselves, so much time
to introspect all this without worrying about any loss.
So yes it was all perfect back then
but what's the value of a drop when there's an ocean
no, it's only when the drought comes in that
the drop gets its value found under the sun.
